Thursday, 19 April 2012

Mechanical Aptitude Tests

Assalam O Alaikum Ladies and Gentlemen..!!
This is the first in the series of Mechanical Aptitude Test. You will be asked these Type of questions during the Intelligence Tests and they Play a very Important towards determining your Mechanical aptitude and further Your selection. So do Prep them with care..!!

a. Turn Wheel A clock wise, Which side would Wheel D Turn..??

Which Pipe will hold the max Water..??

 Q3 Which String is essential for the weight..??

Q4 Turn the Wheel Clcok wise, Which Direction would P move??

Q5 Turn the Wheel Clock Wise, Which Direction would x move??

Q6: Which is the Most Difficult to Lift??

Q7: Which nail is Most difficult to Dig??

 Q8: Which Weight is Easiest to Pull??

Q9 Which Plank will break First?

Q 10: In which Direction will N Move..??


  1. Salam,

    Sir, Isn't Mechanical Aptitude Test given to the specific group like engineering?

    Is It possible to get the answers of this test here?


    1. MAT is for ALL ISSB candidates. I have intentionally Not given the answers here because then people fixate them selves to the answers plus this is just an Introduction. We ll be uploading some more tests soon which will be more elaborate and answers for those will also be provided. thanks

    2. Well-understood.

      Thank you Sir!

      Its my request to post those test soon.
